As of March 2021, for all accredited investor accreditation methods, your status will be valid for 5 years from the date you are verified on our platform. For example, if your accreditation is approved on March 15, 2021, your accreditation will be valid through March 15, 2026. This may be subject to change, and Allocate may ask for verification from time to time as conditions warrant.

If you were previously verified, your accreditation is valid for 5 years from the original verification date by Allocate.

If your accreditation had previously expired, you may still be verified under the new SEC rule as your accreditation is valid for 5 years from the original verification date by Allocate.

There are a few special circumstances below, please read carefully:

If you verify your accredited investor accreditation status via a third-party letter, your status will be valid for 5 years from the date your letter was officially signed. If an expiration date is specified in the letter, your status will expire on that date.

If you are verifying your accredited investor accreditation based on your Series 7, Series 65, or Series 82 license, your license must be in good standing at the time of verification to be valid for the 5-year period. If not, your status will expire at the time your license is no longer in good standing.

During this 5-year period after verification of your accredited investor accreditation status, we will rely on a written representation from you at the time of each investment as to your accredited investor accreditation status, unless we are aware of any information to the contrary.  If we are aware of any information to the contrary, we will not be able to rely on a written representation and your status will expire.